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Magic is a popular embedded wallet provider that supports social logins. While social logins are great, your users still need to onramp in order to pay for gas, which introduces significant friction.

By combining ZeroDev with Magic, you can use Magic to enable a smooth social login experience, while using ZeroDev as the smart wallet to sponsor gas for users, batch transactions, and more.


Magic exposes an rpcProvider object. To create a ZeroDev wallet using Magic, simply pass the provider to the SDK:

import { getZeroDevSigner, getRPCProviderOwner } from '@zerodevapp/sdk'
import { Magic } from 'magic-sdk'

const magic = new Magic('MAGIC_API_KEY', {
// magic config...

const signer = await getZeroDevSigner({
projectId: "<project id>",
owner: getRPCProviderOwner(magic.rpcProvider),